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Friday July 19, 2024-5 min readFormatting Guide
You can format the way your organizations records are auto-numbered in different ways, depending on the specifications required by your organization. These different options can be entered in the Numbering Configuration field within the Auto-number Settings popup, from which this quick help was accessed. Let’s go over some examples of how you can customize auto numbering.
Record ID
R for Record ID
Example: ‘R’ translates to 1

RRRRR for Record ID with leading zeros
Example: ‘RRRRR’ translates to 00001

YY for Year = 24
Example: ‘YY’ translates to 24

YYYY for Year with two leading numbers
Example: ‘YYYY’ translates to 2024

M for Month
Example: ‘M’ translates to 7

MM for Month with leading zero
Example: ‘MM’ translates to 07

D for Current Day
Example: ‘D’ translates to 7/3/2024

DD for Current Day with leading zeros
Example: ‘DD’ translates to 03

Index Value
N for Index Value
Example: ‘N’ translates to 3 (if current index is 3)

NN for Index Value with leading zero
Example: ‘NN’ translates to 03 (if current index is 3)

Additionally, you can wrap any word using single quotes to indicate the value is a constant
Example: ‘Constant’ will be translated directly as the word constant.

Note: You can combine any variation of these elements as you need to to fit your organization’s requirements. Below are some examples of this.
Examples of numbering combinations
‘Project1172-‘D translates to Project1172-7/3/2024

MMDDYY – NNNN translates to 070324 – 0003

‘Asset -‘ RRRRR translates to Asset – 00488

‘Lead’ RR ‘-‘ D translates to Lead 488 – 7/8/2024