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  • Getting Started with Notes - This guide will cover everything you need to know about the app including how to add and organize notes, compose the perfect note and share your notes with your team.


  • Getting Started with Meetings - Meetings is designed to help you efficiently arrange scheduled gatherings with well-defined details regarding topics, goals and agendas, ensuring that attendees are well-prepared and in sync even before the meeting commences.


  • Getting Started with Insights - Insights bring your organization's data to life. You can create customized views for any topic, keeping track of the information that matters most. This guide covers everything you need to know about Insights, from creating them to sharing with your team, and how they can help you extract valuable information from your apps.


  • What is tagging and how does it work in forums? - While writing your chat message, it’s important to take advantage of Appward’s tagging system. Simply begin with the “@” symbol to select from a list of contacts and departments and tag them, ensuring that they receive a notification when you send out your message. Another helpful tag to use is @members, which will tag every...
  • What does subscribing to a forum do? - Subscribing to a forum ensures you receive notifications and updates about new posts, replies, or activities within that forum. It allows you to stay informed about ongoing discussions and engage with the content more effectively. 
  • Can I link to other records while writing a message in a forum? - Yes, you can reference records from any app using AppShare. Simply type the “#” symbol to see a list of records you can select from. For more details on how AppShare works, please refer to our guide on Posts. 
  • Is there a limit to how many people I can include in a forum? - No, there is no limit on the number of people you can include in a forum. You can add as many members as needed. 
  • What are the different ways of creating a chat forum? - You can create chat forums using by clicking the chat icon in the sidebar and pressing the +new button, or by adding a new record in the Forums app.


  • Can I edit files within the Documents app? - Yes, you can edit files directly within Appward by pressing the Edit file button in the top right corner of the document.
  • What are custom attributes in Documents? - Custom attributes are specific characteristics or properties defined by your organization to provide additional information about different types of documents. These attributes are unique to your organization’s needs and help in categorizing and organizing documents more effectively. 
  • Can I share documents externally? - Yes, you can share documents with a single link by clicking on the Share button in the top right corner of the app. This will generate a new link that you can share with other people.
  • What are the different access levels of a Documents record? - Members Only: Only specific members assigned to the document can view or edit the document. Public: Anyone within the organization can view the document. Editing permissions may still be limited to members only.
  • Can I upload password protected documents? - Yes, you can upload password-protected documents to the Documents app. You will be prompted to enter the password when attempting to access the document. 


  • Getting Started with Contacts - Contacts is an app used to manage your connections with other people whether they are employees, sales leads, competitors or anyone else. This guide will cover how to add, view and edit a contact, as well as how to use the Frontline Features of contacts and some additional features such as archiving and deleting records.


  • How do I archive or delete a company record? - From the company’s details, click either the Delete or Archive button based on your requirements to manage company records that are no longer active or relevant. 
  • What are Qualification statuses? - Qualification statuses are labels used to indicate the current relationship or approval level of a company within your organization. These statuses help identify the role and trust level of external partners, clients, and suppliers. To qualify a company, simply check the Qualification checkbox, which will apply a green checkmark to the company’s profile image. 
  • How can I search for a specific company quickly? - You can search for a company using either the alphabetical filter buttons or the search box located at the top of the app screen. 
  • Can I set reminders or notifications for important events related to company records? - Yes, you can set reminders or notifications for tasks like upcoming contract renewals, qualifications, or important meetings associated with specific companies. This helps you ensure timely action and follow-up. 
  • What are company tags? - Company tags help categorize and organize companies based on specific criteria, making it easier to search, filter, and analyze groups of companies. Learn more about tags here.



  • How do I favorite a board, and what does that do? - Favoriting a board makes it easily accessible by adding it to the Favorites tab. This allows you to quickly find and access boards that are important or frequently used, without having to search through all your boards. To favorite a board, look for the button with the star icon on it, in the top right...
  • Can I customize the colors of boards and lists? - Yes, you can customize the colors of boards and lists to visually differentiate between them. This can be done during the add process , or when viewing the details of an existing board or list.
  • How do I make a board private? - You can make a board private by adding exclusive members, who will be the only ones with access to the board.
  • How do I track time spent on a card? - To track time spent on a card you can use the built in Timelog feature. Navigate to the Timelog tab within the details of a card. Here, you’ll be able to start, stop, and pause your timer as you go through your task.
  • What is the Schedule tab? - The Schedule tab presents a Gantt chart illustrating board activities, detailing their start dates, duration, and end dates. 



  • How do I “Like” an announcement? - To like an announcement, you can click the “Thumbs up” icon in the announcement popup window. This action will notify the sender that you have liked their announcement.
  • Can I share announcements I have received? - Yes, you can share the details of an announcement with another member by tagging them in a post. Use the @-symbol, select their name, and include your message to notify them directly.
  • Can I view hidden announcements at a later time? - Yes, you can view hidden or archived announcements by applying the appropriate filter. Click the Filter button and check the Archived checkbox in the popup to include archived announcements.
  • How do I hide or archive announcements? - To hide an announcement, press the Hide button located in the top right corner of the app screen while viewing the details of the announcement. This will remove it from your visible list without deleting it.
  • Can I create or edit announcements in the Announcements app? - No. The Announcements app is used solely for viewing announcements you have received. To create or edit announcements, you need to use the Announcement Director app.


Announcement Director

  • What is the Announcement Director app? - The Announcement Director app in Appward is designed to deliver important messages directly to employees’ desktops, ensuring they receive important information promptly. This app helps facilitate updates quickly by bypassing busy email inboxes or external messaging software, where information can be overlooked or lost. 
  • Can I customize the contents of my announcement? - Yes, you can customize the content of your announcement using the built in HTML editor. Here, you can format text, insert images, embed videos and tailor the announcement to your specific needs. 
  • Can I reuse the same announcement? - Yes, you can reuse the same announcement as many times as you need to. Each dispatch of an announcement will be listed in the bottom portion of the Dispatches tab.
  • Can I send an announcement and designate Appward as the sender? - Yes, you can assign Appward as the sender by selecting the Sent by Appward checkbox in the Dispatches tab. This is useful for sending general announcements from the server.
  • What is auto dispatching, and how do I set it up for an announcement? - Auto dispatching is a feature that allows announcements to be sent automatically based on predefined settings. To set up auto dispatching, follows these steps: 1. Navigate to the Dispatches tab2. Enable auto dispatch by checking the checkbox 3. Select the sender and recipient(s) 4. Set dispatch date and time 5. Dispatch your announcement For a...


  • Using Follows - Introduction In most Appward applications, Follows play a crucial role in keeping users informed about specific records and content. When you choose to follow a record, you will receive direct notifications from Appward triggered by selected activities associated with that particular record. With the Follows app, you can conveniently monitor and manage your follows in...


  • Getting Started with Whiteboards - The Whiteboards app introduces a digital platform that mirrors the functionality of traditional whiteboards. This app integrates with many of the apps in the Appward ecosystem, offering a versatile and dynamic space for brainstorming and teamwork. Easily switch between various tools, such as sketching, adding text, creating shapes, and adjusting elements, fostering a fluid and intuitive collaborative experience. Whether working remotely or in a physical space, the Whiteboards app facilitates efficient communication, idea visualization, and project management.


  • What are email templates? - A helpful feature of the email popup is the Select from template button, which allows you to choose from predefined email formats and content structures. This enables you to quickly create professional-looking emails without having to start from scratch, saving you time and ensuring consistency. 
  • What are the different levels of access for a Conversations record? - Public means anyone in your organization can see the Conversation and its details, and Members only means only the people included in the Conversation will be able to see the record.  
  • What contacts are available when sending an email? - When entering contact information for an email in Conversations, the available contacts are automatically imported from your organization’s Contacts app. 
  • How do video calls work in Conversations? - Appward makes it easy to host video calls with your team within the Conversations app. Video calls utilize the microphone and camera of your choice and offer features similar to other video messaging apps, including live messaging/chat, recording, snapshots, and more. For more information, please check out our Getting Started with Conversations guide.
  • How does Conversations integrate with other apps? - Conversations are integrated across multiple apps within Appward, not just the Conversations app. In any app featuring a Conversations tab, the functionality closely mirrors that of the Conversations app. You can view all conversations sorted by the most recent activity and access the same detailed information you would typically see in the Conversations app.